furnace repair near me

  • McMillin Air - How Often Should You Replace Your Air Filters - Featured Image

    How Often Should You Replace Your Air Filters?

    Having a clean air filter helps your HVAC system run more efficiently and also improves indoor air quality. So, how often should you replace your air filters? This is a question that many homeowners ask, and the answer is...

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  • Cool Your Home Better

    5 Tips to Help Your AC Cool Your Home Better!

    As you continue to use your air conditioner throughout the years, you may find that it doesn’t cool your home as well as it used to. However, there are several ways to help your AC unit run more efficiently...

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  • Thermostat Reading Properly

    Know if Your Thermostat is Reading Properly

    Do you ever feel like your thermostat isn’t quite telling the whole story? Does your home feel significantly warmer or cooler than the digital display seems to suggest? Before you call in our team of professionals at McMillin Air...

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  • Schedule HVAC System Maintenance

    When Should I Schedule HVAC System Maintenance?

    Your HVAC system acts as the lungs of your home, improving indoor air quality, distributing temperature-controlled air, and keeping your family safe and comfortable despite the sometimes harsh climate on the edge of the Sonoran Desert. Having scheduled inspections...

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  • HVAC System and IAQ

    How Your HVAC System Contributes to IAQ

    Indoor air quality, or IAQ, is a measurement of the pollutants in the air of a building. The more pollutants, the worse the IAQ, and the more likely the occupants are to experience a lower degree of comfort and...

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  • Energy-Zapping Habits in Winter

    Top 5 Energy-Zapping Habits in the Winter

    In the winter we often spend a little bit more time indoors with our loved ones. While there’s nothing wrong with cozying up with our families, this means our energy consumption is bound to increase. We know that higher...

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  • Signs to Replace your Furnace

    6 Signs You Need to Replace your Furnace

      Like any other appliance in your home, your furnace just isn’t designed to last forever. Over time it will slowly lose its efficacy and will need to be switched out for a newer model. The good news is...

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  • Winterize Your Hvac System

    How to Winterize your HVAC System

    Arizona is mostly known for its sweltering summers, but anyone from Wickenburg knows that our winters can drop down to a chilly 38°F. That’s enough to have our furnaces cranked and the windows shut tight! As the seasons start...

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  • 5 HVAC Troubleshooting Tips

    5 HVAC Troubleshooting Tips Homeowners Should Know

    Your heating and cooling system keeps you comfortable and, in extreme temperatures, keeps you safe. Chances are, every home you’ll ever live in will have one of these systems. Regular maintenance and upkeep are key to keeping them, and...

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Wickenburg & Area

22755 Hwy 71 Congress Az 85332
