
Humidity Control - McMillin Air - Air Conditoner Repair and Maintenance - Featured Image

Humidity Control

Living just outside the Sonoran Desert, homeowners in the Wickenburg area are no stranger to excessive dryness. Our air conditioners can often suck out any remaining moisture in the air, drying out our homes. Turns out, our houses are not the only things getting dehydrated. Low humidity has an effect on our flooring, furniture, and even our bodies. If your home experiences humidity levels below 30-40%, you may be needlessly suffering. 


Dry, Cracked, and Breathless

Humans are almost two thirds water, meaning that moisture is essential to our health and comfort. In an environment that is too dry, your body will react. Dry skin and cracked feet create the perfect environment for microbes and bacteria to enter your body. This means you are more susceptible to infections and viruses. Furthermore, inhaling dry air all the time is very hard on your lungs. This could even exacerbate respiratory conditions such as allergies or asthma. 


A Simple Solution

The good news is that there is a solution: indoor humidity control. Homeowners can invest in either portable or whole-house humidifiers. Portable humidifiers are stand alone units that pump moisture into smaller spaces. Whole-house humidifiers are attached to your HVAC system. The fan blows air across the humidifier pad and the rehydrated air is pumped through your home. 


Sweet Relief

Many homes will benefit the most from a whole-house humidifier, however there are some cases where a portable one will do the trick just as efficiently. It’s important to speak with a trusted HVAC specialist to help decide what system will work best for your home. Making this simple change can result in furniture longevity, a boost to your immune system, and could even mean the end of nosebleeds and cracking skin. 

Extreme dryness is a real problem for many Arizonans. Luckily, there are humidity control systems that can add much needed moisture back into the air and offset many of the resulting issues. Don’t suffer from dryness in your home any longer, contact the experts today for a no obligation quote! 



Wickenburg & Area

22755 Hwy 71 Congress Az 85332
