
Is Your AC Making You Sick? - McMillin Air - AC Installation and Repair

Is Your AC Making You Sick?

When the summer’s heat starts, homeowners are undeniably happy to have their AC to keep themselves and their families cool. However, the cold, dry air of the AC can easily go from invigorating and refreshing to making you feel ill. Sometimes, the air conditioning is set so low (especially in public offices and stores) that you start feeling a bit sick: sore throat, runny nose, shivers, or coughing.

While there are a lot of positive sides to air conditioning, when set to a temperature that’s too low or not properly maintained, your AC can actually cause problems. In this article, we take a detailed look at whether air conditioners make you sick and how to avoid it.

Can Air Conditioners Make You Sick?: 5 Signs

Air conditioners are essential for comfort in many climates, but if not properly maintained, they can contribute to health issues. Here are five signs your air conditioner could be making you sick.

Breathing or Respiratory Problems

Dirty air conditioners with infrequently changed filters can harbor bacteria and fungi, potentially leading to black mold from moisture buildup in coils and ducts. Airborne microorganisms can cause severe respiratory issues, including potentially fatal pneumonia and Legionnaires’ disease from the Legionella pneumophila bacteria.

Mold Presence

Living or working near a moldy air conditioner increases the risk of respiratory infections. Symptoms like throat irritation, wheezing, and congestion may indicate mold. Inspect your air conditioning unit’s vents and filter for small spots of mold.

Fatigue and Headaches

Experiencing fatigue, headaches, and general weariness after a day of work may be linked to your air conditioner. A study published on August 19, 2004, in the International Journal of Epidemiology, found that people working in offices with central air conditioning reported more illness symptoms than those in buildings without it.

Frequent Doctor Visits

Research indicates that people spending more time in air-conditioned environments have higher healthcare service usage, with increased complaints about ear, nose, and throat problems, respiratory issues, and skin conditions.

Dry or Flaky Skin

Prolonged exposure to air-conditioned environments can dry out your skin, leading to flakiness. The cold, dry air also affects your hair and scalp, causing similar issues.

Can the AC Make You Sick in the Office?

People who work in office buildings with central air conditioning often experience more symptoms of illness than those who have office buildings without central air conditioning. This is true for the air conditioning in your home as well. However, cold air is not the cause of illness; you must be exposed to germs, bacteria, and viruses to get sick.

An air conditioner, by itself, can’t make you sick; even though studies have linked ACs to increased sickness.

To avoid “sick building syndrome,” the temperature needs to be raised slightly; just enough so that you’re not shivering. If that’s not an option, say in an office or a public space; make sure to take regular breaks to step outside for fresh air and for your body temperature to equilibrate.

Why Are There Bacteria in Your AC?

If air conditioners are not thoroughly cleaned and filters are not changed, they create a breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria and fungi. Black mold is especially common in such systems because moisture from cold air can accumulate in the coils and ducts.

Because mold spores and other microorganisms develop in the presence of moisture and food (dust, dirt), and your air conditioner can easily contain both, it’s not uncommon to find them on the evaporator coils or in the drip tray and condensate drain. If these microorganisms become airborne, they can lead to a host of respiratory problems, including potentially deadly infectious pneumonia or Legionnaire’s disease, which is caused by the bacteria.
Why Are There Bacteria in Your AC?

How is Your AC Exposing You to More Germs?

All homes have germs that can make you sick. Air conditioners just spread these bacteria all over the house; all day long, every time they turn on. The more you get exposed to those germs, the more likely you are to get sick. The reason why people who have air conditioning at home might be more exposed to germs is that with AC, the air gets circulated throughout the house.

If two homes have mold in the bathroom, in a home with air conditioning, the air from the bathroom (along with the germs) will circulate throughout the house, while in a home without air conditioning, the contaminated air will stay in the bathroom.

What air conditioning does is that if there are germs somewhere in your home, you will breathe that air wherever you are. It is because of this constant exposure that people with air conditioning are more likely to get sick!

How to Prevent Sickness From Air Conditioning?

To protect yourself from sickness from air conditioning, start by eliminating any mold, mildew, or allergens present in your home or office. Once these are removed, address the sources of moisture to prevent further mold or mildew growth. Next, focus on maintaining your air conditioning unit.

Ensure your air conditioner undergoes regular maintenance, including thorough cleanings and filter changes at least every few months. If you continue to experience issues with your nose and throat, consider making some lifestyle adjustments. Increasing your water intake can help keep your throat and nasal passages moist.

For symptoms like exhaustion, headaches, and sore muscles or joints, try lowering the air conditioning. Set the thermostat to a comfortable room temperature, avoiding a significant difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures. The goal is to achieve a cool and comfortable environment without drastic temperature contrasts.

Keep Your Family Healthy With McMillin Air

So, does this mean that you should completely forget your AC? No. Not only is that not realistic during the Arizona summer, but it’s also not necessary.

realistic during the Arizona summer, but it’s also not necessary.
To keep your family safe, healthy, and still comfortable, you should simply make sure to clean up any water damage immediately to prevent the growth of mold and mildew in your home; have a professional remove any signs of mold and mildew that already exist; turn on your bathroom fans when showering (this helps remove humidity and reduces the chance of mold/mildew from shower condensation); and get an AC tune-up every year!

Find out, if air conditioners can make you sick, how to choose the right AC, and where to buy from McMillin Air at 623-432-5202.



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