
Should Your Furnace Be Checked Before the End of Winter? - McMillin Air - Air Conditioning Services - Featured Image

Should Your Furnace Be Checked Before the End of Winter?

For most homeowners, having your furnace checked before the cooler winter months hit is a no brainer. Checking the furnace at the end of winter is not always so obvious, but it’s just as important. Looking over your heating unit won’t take long at all, and it could save you time, money, and stress next winter. Here is what you need to do before turning off your furnace for spring.

Clear the Clutter

The area around your furnace should be kept clear even in the summer months to avoid a potential fire hazard. Take some time to tidy everything that’s accumulated, yes that means putting away the Christmas decorations! This step will also help you complete the other tasks on this list by creating a clear working area around the furnace.

Change the Filter

Your furnace filter isn’t just good for your furnace, it’s great for your air conditioning unit as well. This is a simple task you can complete without any professional help in just a few minutes. Switching out your old filter for a fresh one can help reduce your energy consumption because your HVAC system isn’t working so hard. 

Inspect the Surface

Cracks are a red flag that could spell disaster for your home. Leaking gas is dangerous for anyone living in your home, putting them at risk for CO poisoning. Newer furnaces will have safety features to prevent this, but older furnaces may not. Either way, it’s always a good idea to do a visual inspection at the end of every season. 

Call the Experts

Once you’ve completed all the above steps, have a technician perform any needed maintenance or repairs. The pilot light, burner assembly, bearings, combustion chamber, and motor are all elements that will need to be professionally inspected. 


Performing this maintenance is key to ensuring that your furnace will be functional and safe come next year. For seasonal repair in the Wickenburg AZ area, you can always trust the experts at McMillin Air. Book an appointment with us today and don’t worry about your furnace again until next winter!




Wickenburg & Area

22755 Hwy 71 Congress Az 85332
