
Filters: Important for Furnaces and Air Conditioners

Filters: Important for Furnaces and Air Conditioners

Filters may be one of the smallest pieces of your HVAC system, but don’t let that fool you into thinking that their value is just as small. The purpose of filters is to protect the blower fan from all the debris the return duct pulls in. This could be dust, hair, allergens, or anything else small enough to get caught up in the vents. If you have central heating and air conditioning, your furnace and AC filters will be the same. If you have separate systems, your units may require different filters. Regardless, furnace and air conditioner filters all have the same function and offer the same benefits.

Extended HVAC Lifespan

As mentioned above, a filter’s job is to protect the furnace or air conditioning unit from debris. Having no filter or a dirty one nullifies its function. Your HVAC units are now susceptible to anything that comes through the ventilation. That means your system has to work much harder to get the same job done. A unit that has to work harder experiences more wear and tear over a shorter amount of time. This could cause overheating or even a breakdown. By using a filter and changing it out regularly, you effectively reduce the amount of maintenance your system will need over time. 

Save on Your Energy Bill

According to U.S. Energy Information Administration data, homeowners in Arizona spend an average of $400 a year on air conditioning. That’s double the national average. Unfortunately, that number is still growing. With such a large expense, it just makes sense to find ways to keep those costs down as much as possible. Instead of turning off the air conditioning and suffering through the heat, try changing out your filters every one to two months. This small change can reduce your energy consumption by 5-15%, and ultimately trim down that monthly energy bill. 

Improve Air Quality

While improving air quality is not the actual function of HVAC filters, it is a great side effect of regularly changing them. Filters work by collecting all of that debris so that it doesn’t hit the blower, but if you leave a dirty filter in there, those allergens will eventually circulate back into the ventilation system. This dirty air can exacerbate symptoms for those who suffer from allergies, asthma, or other respiratory illnesses. Simply changing them out regularly can make a world of difference. 

Filters are a small component that make a big difference. Luckily, changing your filter is something you can usually do on your own. For bigger tasks, like repair or maintenance, make sure to call in the professionals. For those in the Wickenburg area, we offer our services in English and en español! Contact us here



Wickenburg & Area

22755 Hwy 71 Congress Az 85332
